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- 댄 브라운 '다빈치 코드' 중에서


Swift iOS 앱 개발 169

[Stanford iOS] Lecture 9. Data Flow

SwiftUI Lecture 9. Property Wrappers Finally we get to talk about what @State, @Published, @ObservedObject really are! This is a very, very important topic. Publishers Just a very “light” treatment of this topic for now. Demo Publishers Palette Chooser (@Binding) Property Wrappers 앞에 @가 붙은 것들은 다 property wrappers. A property wrapper is actually a struct. @State : @Published : @ObservedObject : P..

[Stanford iOS] Lecture 7. Multithreading EmojiArt

SwiftUI Lecture 7. Colors and Images Color vs. UIColor Image vs. UIImage Multithreaded Programming Ensuring that my app is never “frozen” EmojiArt Demo Review MVVM ScrollView fileprivate Drag and Drop UIImage Multithreading Color vs. UIColor Color : color-specifier to color, shape or view. 대부분 생성/비교(creation/comparison)에 한정되어있는 제한적인 API. *API : Application Program Interface 라이브러리에 접근하기 위한 규칙들을 정..

[Swift] Stored and Computed Variables 저장/연산 프로퍼티

Variables are declared using the var keyword. These declarations are valid at the top level, within types, and within code bodies, and are respectively known as global variables, member variables, and local variables. Member variables are commonly referred to as properties. Every variable declaration can be classified as either stored or computed. Stored Property 저장 프로퍼티 : saves a value for use ..

[Stanford iOS] Lecture 5. ViewBuilder + Shape + ViewModifier

SwiftUI Lecture 5. SwiftUI Access Control @ViewBuilder - What exactly is that argument to ZStack, ForEach, GeometryReader, etc? Shape - What if I wnat to draw my own View rather than construct it from other Views? Animation - Mobile app UIs look pretty bad without animation. Luckily in SwiftUI, animation (almost) comes for free! ViewModifier - What exactly are functions like foregroundColor, fon..

[Stanford iOS] Lecture 4. Grid + enum + Optionals

Grid add rows and columns by replacing HStack with Grid. How Swift deal with memory : the way that Swift cleans up memory is when nobody points to something anymore, it cleans up the memory and frees it up for someone else to use. Memory cycle : if two things are pointing to each other and they’re both in the heap, they’re never gonna be able to go away b/c they’re always gonna have a pointer to..

[iOS 개발] Objective-C → Swift UIKit → SwiftUI

2014년 iOS 8, Swift 1.0 발표 2015년 Swift 2 발표, Open Source 2016년 Xcode8, Swift3 Objective-C의 단점? 오래된 언어(C) 기반. 최신 기법 담기 힘듬. 헤더파일, 구현파일 나뉘어져 있음 nil 처리에 대한 부담. 타입 체크 약함. Swift는 타입 체크에 강하다. 성장 한계 Swift Modern, Safety, Fast and Powerful 클로저, 튜플, 제네릭, 함수형 프로그래밍 nil에 대한 강박증에 가까운 처리 타입 세이프, 타입 체크 강화 플레이그라운드

[Stanford iOS] Lecture 3. Reactive UI + Protocols + Layout

Lecture 3. Reactive UI + Protocols + Layout Reactive Demo - Make Memorize's View always reflect its Model Varieties of Types View Layout - How do Views get placed on screen? (demo: adapt CardView's font size to the size of the card) SwiftUI is Reactive! Reactive Programming : Model에 변화가 감지되면, 자동으로 View에 나타나도록 해준다. when changes happen in the Model, automatically show up in the View [Model] How to..

[Stanford iOS] Lecture 2. MVVM and the Swift Type System

Lecture 2. MVVM and the Swift Type System MVVM Design paradigm ‘code organizing’ architectural design paradigm ‘reactive’ user-interfaces concept must be adhered for SwiftUI to work cf) UIKit 프레임워크의 MVC 모델과의 차이? 모델이 뷰에 적용되기까지 data flows model to view (read only) [View] - Reflects the Model - Stateless - Declared : 함수 사용하지않고 그냥 바로 선언해줌 -> time independent (UI 작성 순서 없이 그냥 시간 상관없이 언제든지 작동, 구현) - Re..
